This is a letter written by Franklin Jones (Adi Da Samraj) in 1970 to CSA Press the publishers of 'The Knee of Listening'.

"I entered into this plane of life with...and took hold of a psychophysical form which in itself is no more illuminating than any other psychophysical form. It needed to be transformed. That transformation could have taken place in any number of ways. The way that I chose to do it was through this peculiar adventure of Franklin Jones. All the kinds of things that can be said about Franklin Jones are secondary, they're not real in the absolute sense, they are episodes in the persona, which is in fact how everybody else lives, except they don't do it consciously".

Adi Da Samraj, Franklin Jones is a Fictional Character, April 1974


Original version - below

The Life and Understanding of Franklin Jones*
1971 By Franklin Jones

Expanded 2004 version

"What is consciousness? This is the basic question posed in The Knee of Listening. What is consciousness? You never discover what it is by wandering in the play of life and the body-mind. You can only discover it by entering into consciousness itself, by contemplating it most profoundly, locating its Quality, Condition, Status, Force. When you have fully entered into Consciousness Itself, then suddenly the Divine Condition of everything becomes obvious"
Energy of Consciousness - 1982

The Knee of Listening and Study Lesson

The Knee of Listening



"I have written this in the form of autobiography because my own life is perhaps the best instruction I can offer. The mere assertion of understanding is not sufficient to create understanding in the hearer. The hearer must be allowed a creative recognition. Otherwise the symbols wherein his life is trapped will not dissolve. Therefore, I have displayed my life as much as I have had patience and perspective to illustrate it. I hope it has been fruitful for you. But know this. I do not stand for spiritual efforts of any kind. Nor on some middle ground between excess and effort. There is no virtue in the endless reaction to life, nor in the exclusive enjoyment of any understanding maintain... radical humor and freedom in the face of divine beings as well as the most disgusting elements of ordinary life"
chapter 20 - Knee of Listening

2004 Edition